Nebraska Bankers YBON Conference 2022

Omaha, NE | August 4 – 5

Attend Ben’s session!

Friday, August 5 | 8:30-9:15 a.m.

Ben Pankonin, CEO/CoFounder, Social Assurance

It’s no secret that people are spending more and more time connecting and communicating via social media. But do you really know what
consumers are doing online, what networks they are using and what the growing trends are? While you may not get your next mortgage
applicant via Snapchat, having an understanding of what’s happening in the world of “social technology” is vital to ensure that you’re looking
down the road and ready for what may come along.

Ben Pankonin, CEO

Learn more about Social Assurance!

Follow the links below to learn more about how we’re helping community banks nationwide:

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