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Millennials in Banking

By March 13, 20172 min read

The banking landscape is always changing – adding millennials into the formula can create an unexpected result. Considering recent events, we thought these few take-aways about the millennial approach to life can help banks and credit unions go a long way in capturing the marketing spotlight.

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1. Distractions can make things go viral

In an online clip now viewed over 44 million times, Professor Robert Kelly’s children interrupted a live television interview on the BBC. This event – and the distractions it caused – led to it becoming instantly famous. In addition, it also provides a good point about banking: remove any possible hurdles before they inadvertently put you in the spotlight. 

2.Swagger is meant to be shared

Like the daughter that marched fearlessly into the room, don’t be afraid to showcase who you are. Your brand is unique – it’s what enables you to stand out from the pack. Share it with as many people as possible. 

3. Embrace the chaos

There will come a time, especially on social media, when an event rolls out of your control. A post may start a trend or a video become viral. Rather than trying to fight it, seize the opportunity to make it help your brand.

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Sarah Patrick

Design, branding and bringing creative solutions to our brand and financial partners is what Sarah Patrick is passionate about. She also loves a good crossword puzzle, doing yoga and exploring new coffee shops around town.