Summer is just around the corner. If you’re struggling to keep your social media channels fresh with fun content–fear not! Social Assurance is here to help community banks, credit unions, and financial brands keep things interesting and engaging all summer long. Here are 15 social media content ideas to simmer on this summer.
1. Summer Events
What’s on your summer promo and events calendar? Be sure to start there when planning social media posts. Pro tip: If you’re holding an event (such as a social, community fundraiser, or annual celebration) be sure to create events on Facebook and LinkedIn–then share the event on your pages so people like like, share, and RSVP.
2. Pet Photo Contest
Is there anything better than pets frolicking into the summer months? From puppy cones to kiddie pools and porch kittens, summer is the time for pet photos to shine. Plus, contests and giveaways are a great way to engage your audience (and you get tons of compulsively likable and shareable content)!
3. Employee Spotlights
Your people make all the difference–and sharing their stories with your customers and community is a great way to humanize your brand and build trust. Have a brief, informal interview with a handful of employees to get some quotes. Ask some fun questions and post in a Q&A-style format, or simply share a quote about their most memorable experience, the most satisfying or fulfilling thing about their role, or their best work memory.
4. Behind the Scenes
Speaking of sharing about your people, behind the scenes content is social media gold! Think about things that might make great video content, like cash counters, interactive teller machines, and drive-thru carriers. These can make for fun reels when you add trending audio or edit the speed of the video.
5. Homebuyers & Closings
It’s homebuying season! And that means tons of happy homebuyers–from first-timers to investors and from new families to folks heading to the suburbs where their pets have more room to run. Post these stories (with your customers’ permission) and inspire new and future customers to come your way when they’re in the market for real estate.
6. Summer Reading or Watch Lists
What’s on your reading list this summer? Consider surveying your employees and asking what they’re reading or watching currently. Or post a poll or survey that asks your audience to share their recommendations. Share your findings to get people involved.
7. Fun Facts
Fun facts are an easy way to spotlight your organization’s history, a partner organization’s background or focus, commercial clients, or even different aspects of the cities or towns where your branches are located.
8. Local Business Highlights
Small businesses are a trove of interesting and engaging stories. Consider reaching out to some of your commercial clients with a couple informal interview questions to get the conversation going. Video also works well here; show up at their location and give your audience a look at who they are and what they do. Not only does this highlight your commercial lending services, but it helps build your relationship with existing customers in a unique and positive way.
9. Foodie Fridays
Spotlight local food businesses, vendors at community events you sponsor, or other foodie things in a recurring series to keep folks engaged. Be sure to use an eye-catching food photo to encourage engagement.
10. Throwbacks
Dig into the vault for some old photos of staff, long-time clients, partners, even your branches. This content is fun and engaging, but it also speaks to the longevity of your business and its role in the community.
11. Summer Job Highlight
Round up some of your younger customers and highlight their summer hustles. Reach out to a few customers and see if they’re up for a quick spotlight on all the work they’re doing to earn money and set it aside.
12. Sunsets & Views
Summer is the time for pink skies and green gardens. Be sure to snap a few photos when the backdrop behind your branch locations is especially dreamy. These photos have the added benefit of showing off your literal presence in the local community.

Citizen’s Bank of Edmond celebrates summer with Heard on Hurd, a street festival in downtown Edmond, Oklahoma, that features more than 60 retail and food vendors and 3 local, live performing artists!
13. Spotlight Videos
Spotlight videos are a great way to tap into the personality of your staff and the experiences they’ve had serving people across your community. Plus, video content often gets more weight when it comes to how the social media algorithms display it to viewers.
14. Summer Memories
Another photo contest idea: This one asks your customers and community to submit their favorite summer memories for a chance to win a prize or giveaway. You’ll be surprised as the incredibly wholesome and loveable content that comes from camping trips, carnivals, and waterparks.
15. Get Kids Involved
From opening savings accounts to learning about investing, toddlers can be particularly hilarious. Look for creative ways to spruce up topics that can sometimes feel mundane (like financial literacy and investments).
Save these Dates
Holidays and observances are a great way to align your bank, credit union, or financial brand’s values with your customers and community. They can also be tons of fun. Consider highlighting some important (and fun!) observances by showing off a commercial banking customer (say, for National Ice Cream Day), or your favorite branch interns for something like National Intern Day.
Upcoming Holidays & Observances
June 21 First day of summer
June 21 National Selfie Day
June 23 National Pink Day
June 29 National Work from Home Day
June 30 World Social Media Day
July 4 Independence Day
July 7 World Chocolate Day
July 23 Parents’ Day
July 27 National Intern Day
July 30 International Friendship Day
August 4 National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
August 7 Purple Heart Day
August 14 National Financial Awareness Day
August 17 National Nonprofit Day
August 20 National Senior Citizens Day
August 26 Women’s Equality Day
September 4 Labor Day
September 6 Read a Book Day
September 8 National 401(k) Day
September 11 9/11; First Responders Day
September 23 First Day of Autumn
Looking for a way to spruce up your socials, but simply don’t have the time? Social Assurance is here to help. Did you know you can outsource all or some of your content or social media campaigns to our team of experts? We’re here to help with everything from written posts to graphics and from video edits to contests and other campaigns.
Interested in learning more? Contact us here or email